Call Me Cera Universe Team



Heather Gartner (@tbirdpaints | she/they) has been a freelance designer/illustrator since 2010. Originally a painter and graphic designer, they have recently expanded their portfolio to include digital illustration. For the last few years, they have been honing their illustration skills with freelance character design projects, streamer branding packages, and lots of nerdy fanart.


Maya Engel (@MayaComposer | she/her) loves video games and all things cute. Before becoming Social Media Manager, she was a mod of the Team Toadhouse Community. She is delighted to further build the community she’s grown to love so much. She is also a composer and sound designer.


Kristin Kirk (@ComposerKirk | he/him) is a composer who has always had a healthy obsession with narrative driven hobbies, which have wormed their way into the music that he creates. In addition to composing, Kirk is an advocate for individuals who identify as being low-income, first-generation college students, a part of an underrepresented minority, and/or those with experience being in the foster care system.

Logo Artist

Sarah Ford (she/her) is a Freelance Concept /2D/UI artist, with games industry experience across AAA, mobile and indie. She has worked in-house and freelance on projects involving various IPs including Total War, Warhammer and Red Bull as well as independent and original IP projects such as The Bradwell Conspiracy and Onlycans: Thirst Date.


Taha Yeasin Zaman (@Tyzranan_Art | he/him) is a freelance concept artist. He loves to play video games, watch anime, read books, travel and learn ways to improve his design skills. He has been working in the video game industry for almost a decade. Recently he’s been focusing more on world building and how to tell stories through his images.

SFX Design

While studying Film & Media Arts at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX, Ferris Shaheen (he/him) quickly found a love for all things cinema sound. Deemed a “sound wizard” on his very first production, Ferris always strives to capture the cleanest, most natural sounding dialogue.